Diseño e implementación del proyecto piloto de blockchain aplicado al registro de propiedad en Bolivia, Paraguay y Perú

Dos casos de aplicación de blockchain a los registros de propiedad: Suecia y NSW Australia

“Contratos Inteligentes” (“Smart Contracts”)

Want to Learn More about the Blockchain and Land Registration?

Blockchain explicado en simple
La tecnología de registros de blockchain parece resonar mucho, aunque para la mayoría de los no especialistas estos términos siguen siendo difíciles de comprender. Incluso muchos expertos en sistemas todavía no están al día sobre los avances de esta tecnología.
LAC PropertyChain Update - Pilot Scheduled for Summer 2021
Development of the LAC PropertyChain Dapp (Distributed application) has been completed and ChromaWay is working with the Inter-American Development Bank, the Peruvian land registry (SUNARP), and other stakeholders to launch the pilot during Q3 2021.
LAC PropertyChain Website Launch and Q3 2020 Project Status
The launch of the LAC PropertyChain website today represents another milestone in the advancement of introducing blockchain-based transparent, secure, and decentralized property sector solutions to Latin America and the Caribbean.
Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain): The Future of Land Titling and Registry Project Overview
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) engaged ChromaWay on a two-year project in Peru, Paraguay, and Bolivia on an initiative titled “Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain): The Future of Land Titling and Registry.” The primary goal of the project is to evaluate how blockchain technology can contribute to solving some of the most pressing problems of land administration in South America.